Nokia 5140i - Read, view, and save a shortcut

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Read, view, and save a shortcut

Touching a tag with the RFID reader launches a shortcut contained in the tag.

To read a tag:

1. Touch the tag with the RFID reader.

The phone displays the shortcut defined in the tag. If the Service Discovery application is not on when
reading a tag, the RFID shell recognises the presence of a tag and launches the application.

Note: If the tag contains no information the phone gives an error message:

No shortcut on tag

, and

prompts you to select a service shortcut to write to the empty tag:

Please select shortcut to write

. If

the tag is empty and you do not yet have any shortcuts stored in your phone’s memory, the phone
prompts you to create a shortcut:

Please create a shortcut for writing

. If the empty tag is write-

protected, the phone indicates this with the message:

Tag is write protected


2. Depending on the type of the shortcut, the phone either makes a phone call or sends an SMS to the

predefined phone number, or connects to the predefined web site over a GPRS connection.

Before completing the function defined in the shortcut, the phone asks you for a confirmation. To confirm,


, to decline, press



3. To view the shortcut you read, perform step 1 and select





4. To save the shortcut you read into the phone memory, perform step 1 and select





